Dallas ISD
Dallas, TX
Accountability rating (2021-2022)
Total students
Avg. teacher experience
10.4 years
Statewide: 11.1 years
Four-year graduation rate
81.1 %
Statewide: 90%
Dallas ISD is a school district in Dallas, TX. As of the 2021-2022 school year, it had 143,430 students. 66.4% of students were considered at risk of dropping out of school. 46% of students were enrolled in bilingual and English language learning programs.
The school received an accountability rating of B for the 2021-2022 school year.
In the Class of 2021, 81.1% of students received their high school diplomas on time or earlier. The dropout rate for students in grades 9-12 was 4.5% during the 2020-2021 school year.
The average SAT score at Dallas ISD was 911 for 2020-2021 graduates. The average ACT score was 16.0.
As of the 2021-2022 school year, an average teacher's salary was $64,020, which is $5,133 more than the state average. On average, teachers had 10.4 years of experience.
Take our public schools explorer surveyContact information
- Stephanie Elizalde
- arodriguez@dallasisd.org
- (972) 925-3700
Higher Ed Outcomes
Students in Dallas ISD are part of the Texas Education Agency’s Region 10. Students who started eighth grade in 2011 in this region had a college graduation rate of 21.0 percent. View a more comprehensive breakdown of the higher ed outcomes in Region 10.
Race and ethnicity
Total students
African American
30,021 (20.9%)
Statewide: 12.8%
American Indian
669 (0.5%)
Statewide: 0.3%
1,753 (1.2%)
Statewide: 4.8%
100,499 (70.1%)
Statewide: 52.8%
Pacific Islander
87 (0.1%)
Statewide: 0.2%
8,665 (6%)
Statewide: 26.3%
Two or more races
1,736 (1.2%)
Statewide: 2.9%
Risk factors
A student is identified as being at risk of dropping out of school based on state-defined criteria. A student is defined as "economically disadvantaged" if he or she is eligible for free or reduced-price lunch or other public assistance.
At-risk students
66.4 %
Statewide: 53.5%
Economically disadvantaged
85.1 %
Statewide: 60.7%
Limited English proficiency
47.6 %
Statewide: 21.7%
Enrollment by program
A look at the percentage of students enrolled in certain programs offered at schools for the 2021-2022 school year. A student can be enrolled in more than one program.
46 %
Statewide: 21.9%
Gifted and Talented
17.2 %
Statewide: 8%
Special Education
10 %
Statewide: 11.6%
Accountability ratings
Texas assigns ratings to districts and campuses that designate their performance in relation to the state's accountability system.
Overall (2021-2022)
Student achievement (2021-2022)
School progress (2021-2022)
Closing the gaps (2021-2022)
The overall grades are based on three categories: student achievement (how well students perform academically), school progress (how well students perform over time and compared to students in similar schools) and closing the gaps (how well schools are boosting performance for subgroups such as students with special needs).
For a detailed explanation of this year’s accountability system, see the 2022 Accountability Manual.
Four-year graduation rates
The percentage of students who started ninth grade in 2017-2018 and received a high school diploma on time — by Aug. 31, 2021. Learn more about how four-year graduation rates are defined.
All students
81.1 %
Statewide: 90%
African American
81.6 %
Statewide: 86.3%
American Indian
65.4 %
Statewide: 87.4%
83.7 %
Statewide: 96.7%
80.5 %
Statewide: 88.1%
Pacific Islander
72.7 %
Statewide: 88.3%
87.2 %
Statewide: 93.8%
Two or more races
81.7 %
Statewide: 90.8%
Dropout rates
The dropout rate for students in grades 9-12 during the 2020-2021 school year. It is calculated by dividing the number of dropouts by the number of students who were in attendance at any time during the school year.
All students
4.5 %
Statewide: 2.4%
African American
4.9 %
Statewide: 3.5%
American Indian
8.4 %
Statewide: 3.1%
1.2 %
Statewide: 0.5%
4.5 %
Statewide: 2.8%
Pacific Islander
0 %
Statewide: 2.6%
3.4 %
Statewide: 1.3%
Two or more races
6.3 %
Statewide: 2%
Chronic absenteeism
The chronic absenteeism rate for students during the 2020-2021 school year. It measures the number of students who were absent for at least ten percent of the school year.
All students
22.7 %
Statewide: 15%
African American
30.7 %
Statewide: 20.7%
American Indian
18.2 %
Statewide: 16.4%
11.2 %
Statewide: 3.3%
21.2 %
Statewide: 16.9%
Pacific Islander
21.3 %
Statewide: 17.9%
12.1 %
Statewide: 10.7%
Two or more races
23.5 %
Statewide: 13.9%
College readiness
AP/IB participation
The percentage of students in grades 11 and 12 taking at least one Advanced Placement (AP) or International Baccalaureate (IB) exam in any subject during the 2020-2021 school year.
All students
27.8 %
Statewide: 21.1%
African American
17.4 %
Statewide: 13%
American Indian
26.4 %
Statewide: 16.8%
62.3 %
Statewide: 55.4%
27.6 %
Statewide: 18%
Pacific Islander
35.3 %
Statewide: 17.9%
59.1 %
Statewide: 24.3%
Two or more races
40 %
Statewide: 23.5%
AP/IB performance
The percentage of test-taking students in grades 11 and 12 who passed at least one AP or IB exam in the 2020-2021 school year. A passing score on the AP exam is a 3, 4 or 5. On an IB exam, it is a 4, 5, 6 or 7.
All students
30.3 %
Statewide: 48.6%
African American
16.4 %
Statewide: 29%
American Indian
50 %
Statewide: 52.8%
65.4 %
Statewide: 73.6%
25.5 %
Statewide: 34.6%
Pacific Islander
66.7 %
Statewide: 43.9%
61.3 %
Statewide: 61.2%
Two or more races
59.7 %
Statewide: 60.8%
The average SAT score for students graduating in 2020-2021, with critical reading, writing and mathematics results combined. The maximum score is 2400. For the small percentage of students who took the redesigned SAT with a maximum score of 1600, their scores were converted to the equivalent scores on the previous SAT using College Board concordance tables.
Avg. SAT score
Statewide: 1002
The average ACT composite score for students graduating in 2020-2021. The maximum score is 36.
Avg. ACT score
Statewide: 20.0
College-ready graduates
A graduate is considered college ready in Reading or Math if he or she has met or exceeded the college-ready criteria on the Texas Success Initiative Assessment (TSIA) test, the SAT or the ACT test. These figures are for students graduating in 2020-2021.
45 %
Statewide: 56.1%
28 %
Statewide: 45.7%
Reading + Math
25.3 %
Statewide: 40.4%
Teacher ethnicities
These figures are expressed as a percentage of the total teacher full-time equivalent (FTE) as of the 2021-2022 school year.
Total teacher FTEs
African American
3,389.1 (34.3%)
Statewide: 11.2%
American Indian
52.5 (0.5%)
Statewide: 0.3%
325 (3.3%)
Statewide: 1.9%
3,264.7 (33.1%)
Statewide: 28.9%
Pacific Islander
22.4 (0.2%)
Statewide: 0.1%
2,651 (26.8%)
Statewide: 56.4%
Two or more races
168.9 (1.7%)
Statewide: 1.2%
Highest degree held by teachers
These figures are expressed as a percentage of the total teacher full-time equivalent.
No degree
245.4 (2.5%)
Statewide: 1.4%
6,886.2 (69.7%)
Statewide: 72.6%
2,590.4 (26.2%)
Statewide: 25.2%
151.5 (1.5%)
Statewide: 0.8%
Students per teacher
The total number of students divided by the total full-time equivalent count of teachers for 2021-2022.
Students per teacher
Statewide: 14.6
Teacher experience
This figure for the 2021-2022 school year refers to tenure — the number of years a teacher has been employed in any district, whether or not there was an interruption in service.
Avg. teacher experience
10.4 years
Statewide: 11.1 years
Teacher salaries
The average salaries listed here are for regular duties only and do not include supplemental pay. For teachers who also have nonteaching roles, only the portion of time and pay dedicated to classroom responsibilities is factored into the calculation.
Base average
Statewide: $58,887
Statewide: $51,054
1 to 5 years
Statewide: $54,577
6 to 10 years
Statewide: $57,746
11 to 20 years
Statewide: $61,377
21 to 30 years
Statewide: $65,949
30+ years
Statewide: $71,111
All campuses
Elementary/secondary schools
Elementary schools
- Adelfa Botello Callejo Elementary School
- Adelle Turner Elementary School
- Alex Sanger Preparatory School
- Anne Frank Elementary School
- Annie Webb Blanton Elementary School
- Anson Jones Elementary School
- Arcadia Park Elementary School
- Arlington Park Early Childhood Center
- Arthur Kramer Elementary School
- Arturo Salazar Elementary School
- Ascher Silberstein Elementary School
- B H MacOn Elementary School
- Barbara Jordan Elementary School
- Bayles Elementary School
- Ben Milam Elementary School
- Birdie Alexander Elementary School
- C A Tatum Jr Elementary School
- C F Carr Elementary School
- Callier Center Pre-School Deaf (0-5)
- Casa View Elementary School
- Cedar Crest Elementary School
- Celestino Mauricio Soto Jr Elementary School
- Central Elementary School
- Cesar Chavez Learning Center
- Chapel Hill Preparatory-A Personalized Lrning Sch
- Charles A Gill Elementary School
- Charles Rice Learning Center
- Clara Oliver Elementary School
- Clinton P Russell Elementary School
- Dallas Hybrid Preparatory At Stephen J Hay
- Dan D Rogers Elementary School
- Daniel Webster Elementary School
- David G Burnet Elementary School
- Downtown Montessori At Ida B Wells Academy
- Dr Martin Luther King Jr Arts Academy
- Ebby Halliday Elementary School
- Eddie Bernice Johnson Elementary School
- Edna Rowe Elementary School
- Eduardo Mata Montessori School
- Edward Titche Elementary School
- Edwin J Kiest Elementary School
- Eladio R Martinez Learning Center
- Elementary' Disciplinary Alternative Education Prg
- Elisha M Pease Elementary School
- Esperanza Medrano Elementary School
- Everette Lee Degolyer Elementary School
- F P Caillet Elementary School
- Felix G Botello Personalized Learning Elementary School
- Frank Guzick Elementary School
- Frederick Douglass Elementary School
- Gabe P Allen Charter School
- Geneva Heights Elementary School
- George B Dealey Montessori Academy
- George Herbert Walker Bush Elementary School
- George Peabody Elementary School
- George W Truett Elementary School
- Gilbert Cuellar Sr Elementary School
- H I Holland El At Lisbon
- H S Thompson Learning Center
- Hall Personalized Learning Academy At Oak Cliff
- Harrell Budd Elementary School
- Harry C Withers Elementary School
- Harry Stone Montessori Academy
- Henry B Gonzalez Personalized Learning Academy
- Herbert Marcus Elementary School
- Hogg New Tech Center
- Ignacio Zaragoza Elementary School
- J N Ervin Elementary School
- J P Starks Elementary School
- Jack Lowe Sr Elementary School
- James Bowie Elementary School
- Jerry R Junkins Elementary School
- Jill Stone El At Vickery Meadow
- Jimmie Tyler Brashear Elementary School
- John F Peeler Elementary School
- John H Reagan Elementary School
- John Ireland Elementary School
- John J Pershing Elementary School
- John Neely Bryan Elementary School
- John Q Adams Elementary School
- John W Carpenter Elementary School
- John W Runyon Elementary School
- Jose 'Joe' May Elementary School
- Joseph J Rhoads Learning Center
- Julian T Saldivar Elementary School
- Julius Dorsey Elementary School
- K B Polk Center For Academically Talented & Gifted
- Kleberg Elementary School
- L L Hotchkiss Elementary School
- L O Donald Elementary School
- Lakewood Elementary School
- Larry G Smith Elementary School
- Lee A McShan Jr Elementary School
- Leila P Cowart Elementary School
- Leonides Gonzalez Cigarroa Md Elementary School
- Leslie A Stemmons Elementary School
- Lida Hooe Elementary School
- Lorenzo De Zavala Elementary School
- Louise Wolff Kahn Elementary School
- Maple Lawn Elementary School
- Margaret B Henderson Elementary School
- Maria Moreno Steam Academy
- Mark Twain School For The Talented And Gifted
- Martha Turner Reilly Elementary School
- Martin Weiss Elementary School
- Mary McLeod Bethune Elementary School
- Mockingbird Elementary School
- Montessori Academy At Onesimo Hernandez Elementary School
- Mount Auburn Steam Academy
- N W Harllee Early Childhood Center
- Nancy J Cochran Elementary School
- Nancy Moseley Elementary School
- Nathan Adams Elementary School
- Nathaniel Hawthorne Elementary School
- Obadiah Knight Elementary School
- Oran M Roberts Elementary School
- Paul L Dunbar Learning Center
- Personalized Learning Academy At Highland Meadows
- Personalized Learning Preparatory At Sam Houston
- Pleasant Grove Elementary School
- Prek Partnership Center
- Preston Hollow Elementary School
- Prestonwood Montessori At E D Walker
- R L Thornton Elementary School
- Reinhardt Elementary School
- Richard Lagow Elementary School
- Ronald E McNair Elementary School
- Rosemont Lower - Chris V Semos Building
- Rufus C Burleson Elementary School
- S S Conner Elementary School
- San Jacinto Elementary School
- Seagoville Elementary School
- Seagoville North Elementary School
- Sidney Lanier Expressive Arts Vanguard
- Solar Prep For Boys At John F Kennedy
- Solar Preparatory School For Girls At Bonham
- Stephen C Foster Elementary School
- Stevens Park Elementary School
- T G Terry Elementary School
- Thelma Elizabeth Page Richardson Elementary School
- Thomas L Marsalis El Steam Academy
- Thomas Tolbert Elementary School
- Tom C Gooch Elementary School
- Trinity Heights Gifted And Talented School
- Umphrey Lee Elementary School
- Urban Park Elementary School
- Victor H Hexter Elementary School
- W A Blair Elementary School
- W W Bushman Elementary School
- Walnut Hill Elementary School
- Whitney M Young Jr Elementary School
- William B Miller Elementary School
- William Lipscomb Elementary School
- William M Anderson Elementary School
- Wilmer-Hutchins Elementary School
- Winnetka Elementary School
Middle school or junior high schools
- Alex W Spence Talented/Gifted Academy
- Ann Richards Steam Academy
- Barbara M Manns Middle DAEP
- Benjamin Franklin International Exploratory Acad
- Billy Earl Dade Middle School
- Boude Storey Middle School
- D A Hulcy Steam Middle School
- Dallas Environmental Science Academy
- Dr Frederick Haynes Iii Global Prep At Paul Quinn
- E B Comstock Middle School
- Ewell D Walker Middle School
- Francisco Pancho Medrano Junior High
- Harold Wendell Lang Sr Middle School
- Hector P Garcia Middle School
- Henry W Longfellow Career Exploration Academy
- Ignite Middle School
- J L Long Middle School
- Kennedy-Curry Middle School
- L V Stockard Middle School
- Oliver Wendell Holmes Humanities/Communications
- Piedmont Global Academy
- Raul Quintanilla Sr Middle Steam Academy
- Robert T Hill Middle School
- Rosemont Upper
- Sam Tasby Middle School
- Sarah Zumwalt Middle School
- School For The Talented & Gifted In Pleasant Grove
- Seagoville Middle School
- Sudie L Williams Talented And Gifted Academy
- T W Browne Middle School
- Thomas C Marsh Middle School
- Thomas J Rusk Middle School
- W E Greiner Exploratory Arts Academy
- W H Gaston Middle School
- William B Travis Vanguard Acad Of Academically Tag
- William Hawley Atwell Law Academy
- Young Men's Leadership Academy At Fred F Florence
- Young Women's Steam Academy At Balch Springs Middle School
- Zan Wesley Holmes Jr Middle School
High schools
- Barbara M Manns H S DAEP
- Booker T Washington Spva Magnet
- Bryan Adams High School
- Citylab High School
- David W Carter High School
- Dr Wright L Lassiter Jr Early College High School
- Emmett J Conrad High School
- Franklin D Roosevelt H S Of Innovation
- H Grady Spruce High School
- Hillcrest High School
- Innovation Design Entrepreneurship Academy
- James Madison High School
- Judge Barefoot Sanders Law Magnet
- Justin F Kimball High School
- Juvenile Justice Aep
- Kathlyn Joy Gilliam Collegiate Academy
- L G Pinkston High School
- Lincoln Humanities/Communications Magnet High Sch
- Maya Angelou High School
- Moises E Molina High School
- New Tech H S At B F Darrell High School
- North Dallas High School
- North Lake Early College High School
- Rosie Sorrells Education And Social Services High School
- School For The Talented And Gifted
- School Of Business And Management
- School Of Health Professions
- School Of Science And Engineering
- Seagoville High School
- Skyline High School
- South Oak Cliff High School
- Sunset High School
- Thomas Jefferson High School
- Trinidad Garza Early College At Mt View
- W H Adamson High School
- W T White High School
- W W Samuell High School
- Wilmer-Hutchins High School
- Woodrow Wilson High School